Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Monday, 19 October 2015

Growing Greens

Rooms 3 and 4 have been very busy looking after all of the seedlings that were planted last term. We have discovered that our classrooms are not the best place to grow STRONG seedlings. Many of our plants have been stretching toward the light, so last week we shifted all of the seedlings to the pool area where we have made mini shelters. Many of our seedlings were also ready for transplanting so that was the next task.
Thanks to Melissa, Becs and Tina for helping our children to transplant many seedlings.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Len Lye Centre : Sound Explorer

Today Room 3 had a wonderful visit to the Len Lye Centre. We discovered a little about how sound works. The children entered a world of tingles, boings, crashes and ch ch ch. We had to tune our ears to the sounds of the kinetic sculptures and movies and think about ways to put movement with sound. In the studio the children cut and folded aluminium pie plates, attached other materials and constructed their sound sculpture. Hopefully they managed to play a tune for you tonight.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Cool Cuts Competition

Easy Blog Photo

Congratulations Room Three. 
Second Prize in the Big Jim's Cool Cuts Competition is a very good effort. Thank you to all the wonderful parents, grandparents and friends who voted for our entry. We now have three shovel and fork sets to use within our class as well as a $30 voucher from Big Jim's.