Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Wax Batik

Room Three are now getting to the very exciting part of our first Topic Ata Hikoi, Tread Carefully. Over the last few days we have been turning our fabulous drawings into a hot wax batik. Today we coloured the pictures with dye and then removed the wax with an iron. Taking the wax off made the pictures really pop.

Using a Juting to draw with hot wax.

Putting dye onto the Batik

Using an iron to remove the wax from the Batik.

Very Impressive Libby.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Tom and Piper begun their batik artwork today. They used warm wax to draw their living creature designs onto the calico squares.

Waiwaka (Swamp Maire) Propargation

The Garden Group children were lucky to be able to pot out some new Waiwaka seedlings today with the help of Mr Clarkson.  They will be able to watch the seedlings grow over the next few years and then hopefully plant them out into our school grounds.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Brookes Little Treasures

Yesterday the Polars reading group read a story about Seahorses. Brooke brought her real dried seahorses to school today to show everyone. We noticed that they had really cool patterns on them and they are an interesting shape.