Monday, 24 August 2015

Congratulations Rebecca

 Rebecca won Third place in the Camellia Society colouring competition. 


  1. Well Done Rebecca on your win. What a lovely picture you have coloured in to win the prize.

  2. Wow - wee Rebecca. I am so proud of you for winning this prize. I wonder where you are going to plant your camelia tree? I remember picking up a million trillion camelias off my driveway when I was growing up. That was one of my jobs that I did each week to get pocket money. I didn't like the earwigs crawling out from the blossoms!!!! I would love to see a photo of it planted.

  3. Congratulations Rebecca! It's a lovely picture and wonderful colouring in. Wasn't it lucky we have so many camellias around our house to look at the colours of :)
    Mummy xxx

  4. Congratulations Rebecca! It's a lovely picture and wonderful colouring in. Wasn't it lucky we have so many camellias around our house to look at the colours of :)
    Mummy xxx
